Sunday, November 30, 2014

I'm moving again!

What a hectic couple of weeks it has been, but the dust is finally going to settle sometime next week on the whole ordeal of moving.

So I am packing and packing away - and I can't wait for the commute time to be cut in half, and to be walking distance to everything again.

Though, I am a little worried about how Purrl is going to adjust to the move, again... she's only recently gotten comfortable in her new home. Speaking of which, here is some cat news!

1. Purrl now recognizes her new name, thanks to the power of bribe (treats, lots of treats) 

2. Coincidentally she has also rounded out a bit, no more the skinny shelter cat she is. Coincidentally.

3. She's way talkative now, her human-servants are not very good at cat-ese, but here are some simple commands her Majesty employs:

- Small "Gnah!" this means "Yo!" and is the greeting word of choice as she is black, afterall. 
- The soft meow is "Hey~ look at me but don't touch me cause I'm just going to walk away the moment you do", plenty of sass she has.
- The really loud couple of "MEOW!". Well, this is her human-equivalent of "Ahhhhh", usually heard after a meal, or in the middle of night, after she poops. I have to say, one must be definitely at ease to be able to announce one's stool accomplishments.

Welp... poop time for me.


  1. Meow meow meeeeow?



  2. Cpt Sparrow (of the BlackPearl)6/1/15 11:57 AM what you say is Purrl now has quote the boooty? savvy?

    Wot wot mate!

  3. Pfft...Dogs are way better.

    We like the touches. TOUCH MEHHHHHH!

    My feet smell.
