There used to be a time where things were much simpler. Your computer wants to tell you something is wrong? Big blue screen of death. You get a dozen of those a day? Format C:\. You have your trusty little boot disks, and drivers on neatly labeled floppy disks, in a box. You made copies of those things and that was your backup. And life was long and arduous, modems disconnected when people picked up the phone, but life was simple.
Now I have a computer that is 187623615273x more powerful than my first computer, an iPad and a Playstation 3 all of which are hardly anything I could have imagined 10 years ago. But what do I do whenever I turn on anything nowadays?
Facking update prompts. The boot time is reduced to virtually zero for the iPad to less than a minute for the other machines, down from the 15 minutes that I used to use to take a shower, while waiting for my computer to boot. But instead now after everything is opened up, I need to install 65412654 updates on Windows 7, on the PS3, on the iTunes because if you don't update iTunes you can't update iPad and if you don't update your iPad you can't update your 40 apps that have newer version to be compatible with the new iPad OS.
Now every time there's a new version of the iOS out, it has become one of those things that I need to do and keep postponing. Like a paint job. But it has 16523 prompts from different apps that I open to remind me to get the latest stuff. Then I'm forced to open up iTunes. Gaaaawd I hate iTunes. What a ugly slow snooty piece of sheet. It takes forever to complete the entire process and restore the content (this update just took me 1 hour) and that's only half the battle. After that I will have to proceed to install all those updates on the apps, some of which won't work as good as before after their updates...
It's great that we have all those nifty gadgets nowadays, but honestly if I need to do all this to get to use it for what I want it to, there's still too much work to be done by me. Com'on wizzes of the IT world... do something.
(Just in - "iTunes could not restore doremish's iPad - error occurred during the restore, backup corrupt"... &!#&^@ you piece of shit you're the one that backed up my effing iPad!@%$)
Bahaha, as I read this, I noticed a new app update on my BB! Arghh, I feel more irritated by tech updates even more now after reading this post! I totally ignore all updates until something stops functioning the way I need it to. I miss the Duck Hunt days of Nintendo. I bet you if I plugged it in now, it would still work like a charm!
ReplyDeletei remember playing prince of persia..and thinking how cool it was to have a they're EVERYWHERE...and really..i don't need this much processing power..and do you really need alienware? =p
ReplyDeleteI NEED MORE POWER!!! 6 cores is not enough!!! 16 gigs of ram?! Why do you limit me motherboard!!! raaaaaaaaaaage!
ReplyDeleteI like technology. It makes me happy. The fact that I can control and move stuff with my voice and hand gestures alone makes me giddy inside.
I don't have any issues with itunes. It's not ideal but really, not like I could ever program anything like it. I do not miss my programming classes in university, what a bunch of craaaaaaaap I made.
@James K I loved the basic programming classes... but wrt itunes - you can't make a movie doesn't mean you can't critique it... same for the program... i just don't like it. We don't click (right click, for a mac, huhuhuh)
ReplyDeletehahaha fair enough. You have to also take into consideration it was made for Mac users. I hate Macs with a passion. iPads and iPhones I love, it's just those damn computers.