Thursday, September 8, 2011

en français, j'appelle ça un agenda...

I finally bought a weekly planner. I love my stationery items and weekly planners are just one of those things I used to love getting the first day of school. I would eagerly fill it out with all the 30 birthdays that I could remember and the to-dos of that day. It kept me organized and it kept me from being bored at times in classes, since I'd spend time organizing stuff or doodling in it. Actually still kept me organized until 2 years ago when I stopped using it, and started becoming geriatric.

So I swung by Chapters in this week and bought a piece of my youth back. And I filled it in with all the 5 birthdays I remember. :)


  1. Eee, I love stationary...especially from Chapters! I have a journal from there ;). Next time I see you, you best be inputting our next get together in there!

  2. the ipad can also do that too :P

  3. @mak2k i think paper planners are going to be hard to replace for me. Paddy is aldo bit too heavy for me to lug around and whip out anytime i need to record something. I also wrote faster than i type on paddy...

  4. Eee, I love chapters, and Sasha my dream chapters girl.


  5. @doremish

    testing reply to your reply.
