Thursday, July 7, 2011

on that forgotten resolution

I don't know if anyone remembers (I certainly have forgotten about it for a bit), I've decided to be healthier in general this year, sometime during new years as a resolution. Until now I haven't really done anything substantial or taken any steps towards that goal. Last week however, I have started taking the baby steps.

I am proud to announce that I'm going towards a low carb and no coffee diet - I hate to call it a diet, because that sounds so temporary. This is more of a permanent thing. Gone are the days where I pig out on Mckey Dees! Eventually I want to become one of those people that work out regularly, and look fit and happy.

I recently joined a recreational beach volleyball team via my friend J, and yesterday was my first game. Although i thoroughly enjoyed it, it was all in all a sometimes sedentary sport. I'm a stereotypical Taiwanese girl in that the only sport where I'm willing to run for hours for, would be badminton - unfortunately I'm not particularly good at it nor played it in ages, and there doesn't seem to be any affordable resources to play it in Toronto. But that is not all - Saturday mornings are now dedicated to hot yoga, and Tuesday afternoons are brisk-walking sessions. That's quite a bit of exercising compared to my prior life as an amateur channel-changer.

One of my biggest fear is experiencing a difficult child birth, and also subsequent to that become a pudgey mom... hopefully the baby steps are going to lead me to a healthier lifestyle from now on and throughout my life. Besides, I also want to be all dopey from those endorphins and become one of those eternally chirpy people that annoy the feck out of others in the office. Why be the annoyee? I'm tired of being the Annoyee. I'll talk your heads off during watercooler chats and elevator rides! Raaaaarg.


  1. i disagree, beach volleyball is actually a very tiring sport. Obviously if you do a 6 vs 6, it's easy, but play 4 on 4 game and we'll talk. 2 on 2 is incredibly tiring. Best sport ever.

    As for babies, you don't like kids.....

  2. @mak2k
    yeah we're doing 6v6, so it's less tiring...

  3. Woooo, awesome attitude! I'm happy that I get to be a part on your baby steps transformation. If we remain consistent, we will definitely be at Level 2 hot yoga by end of summer :)

  4. @Alisha what-evah! miss "omg im getting crunk on the patio, skipping hot yoga tmr...."

  5. Hahah, dude my outings are once in a blue moon and it helps to keep me balanced ;). You don't want a crazy indoor-only friend do you? And you can totalllly go yourself!! Don't let my sweaty ass hold you back. Evah. Ya hurrr me?

    (P.S. I need to remember to "Subscribe" as per another one of your posts, so I'm not so slow at replying to the reply!)
