Apart from the few minutes I spend on the newspaper's crossword puzzle everyday after work before giving up, i hardly ever do anything without paddy. I work out with it, i watch tv while playing mindnumbing games on it, i read on it and heck i even put it on the pillow next to me... It's the first thing i touch in the morning and it's the last thing i see before i go to sleep. Worst of all I've downloaded so many apps that i don't use.... And i've picked up twitter.
With all the connectivity i have you'd think that i'm an information junkie. Au contraire, all i've been doing is pretty much looking up celebrity gossips, play asinine games and reading extremely lengthy fantasy novels. I even have a backlog of such novels. I've vaguely heard of that missouri tornado but apart from that i don't really know what's happening out there nowadays. I even missed out on the entire Arnold saga because of crazy work hours last week, and had to read a summary timeline on the weekend to catch up - by that time i've obviously already missed out on all the late night show jokes :/
I can certainly catch up on all those late night show episodes, but what about those glee, modern family and big bang theory episodes that i missed, too? I've got several months of magazines i haven't read, and i've been ignoring raphael (my ps3) for months now. Piano and guitar are collecting dust and i'm ashamed when guests ask about them - if not because of lack of space i wouldn't even put them in display.
Looking around, i guess i have come a long way in terms of knowing how to deal with time by myself and entertain myself... Or maybe it's just one of my people-hating-phases.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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