I caught up finally with my bro Alex after not seeing him for more than a year (case in point of how horrible I am at keeping in touch). What did he ask me when we sat down at the pub? "Hmmm by the way... what's your boyfriend's name?" It's just one of those wow, who the hell are you kind of moment - like he's close to me, but I've not seen him for so long that he seemed like a stranger. Anyhow I miss the good old days when we used to hang out together a lot more, in Montreal.
My next job, I'm going to make sure I'm not working with Asian females. They are loads of fun and the nicest people, but they're also reeeeeally hardworking. I want to be the one with the most work ethics in my group, goddammit.
I bought a curling iron the other day, meaning to try and curl my hair up all pretty and nice. Little did I know it takes patience (my genetic defect) and involves some thought process around how to part your hair to best uniformly curl it. So I do what everyone does when they need to learn something nowadays - I youtubed it. And there I was, taking advice from some ditzy chick who doesn't speak proper English and a lady with a trailer park accent and guess what? It worked! Never judge a book by its cover, aye, aye.
I don't know what to wear for my birthday party tomorrow. I don't want to wear the same things I wore before but that's all I have - didn't have time to shop. Meh I wish I was skinny and fit so I can throw on any tshirt and just wear bling. Ahhh steak and bacon, how I love thee, how I loathe thee.
I found the perfect pooping stall at work the other day. It flushes for like 5x longer than the normal toilet... so you just flush it when you're ready to go and when it finishes flushing you're done. Automatic and continuous courtesy flush. So clean, so elegant.
but won't it splash back onto your hiney?