Wednesday, January 21, 2015

On 2015 Resolutions!

Well time again to do another resolution post. Huh, looks like I didn't write about 2014? But 2013 resolutions have indeed resolved? What's the proper word? Anyhow, I've adopted a healthier, more positive lifestyle, and found not only one but two pairs of comfortable jeans (jeggings but hey man, it works). Huzzah.

Seems like a good foundation for more advanced goals now...

1. Invest
*Sigh*... I'm good at letting whatever money I have just sit around. So maybe it's time to take them out from under the mattress and do something with it...blaaargh. I'm just so lazy at this though. I seem to have no instinct and memory when it comes to personal finance. It also feels like real work...gneh. Time to stop procrastinating!

2. Watch all Star Wars movies!
This should have been the next step after I'd done that "learn English" resolution dozen years ago but here we are, going back to basics... I figure that it is about time for me to be able to differentiate ewoks and err the other furry thing(s). See? I don't even know why they gave me a passport. I shall come back and cringe at this post a year later.

3. Listen more
This one is damn hard for someone who loves to talk. But now that I am comfortable being an introvert and homebody, I need to also grow up and learn to listen more to the plights of the peasa... I mean, to people. My tune-out rate is too damn high right now. (soooo high, I catch myself being disinterested in my own stories as I speak). I blame it on my "fuck you I'm past 30 and old I don't need new friendship " phase and probably also a little on the mundane shit people say ("Really your kid cried this morning? Fascinating. Tell me again about that time when you almost bought a coffee?"). I mean don't get me wrong, I still recognize that I don't have to make friends if I don't feel like it, but I will pay more attention to my positive influences. I do secretly wish we could meet half way and people starts spewing out interesting shit all the time but it's probably not gonna happen. Look at me, for example, writing about getting jeggings. Uuuugh (ok next year resolution, spew interesting shit all the time, but next year only). So yeah, okay, I'll try to be less distracted.


  1. George Lucas22/1/15 2:12 PM

    Sqweeeee yes watch my movies!

    :) :) :) :)

    I died a little each day you had not watch them....

    Listen more? Damn, not sure how you will manage that, especially when 90% of what people say are boring news about their poopy babies or renovations to their suburban house.

  2. I do believe you mean MY movies now?

    Go back to your farm George, you're drunk.

  3. Happy late birthday, Mish's last blog post.

  4. Happy second late birthday, Mish's last blog post.

    You're two years old now. Old enough to start teething!

    1. Jokes on you, teething can start as soon as day 0 :(
