Monday, September 29, 2014

on nuts...hah no not those geebus

I recent had an encounter with a bowl of mixed nuts. While picking through it I figured everyone has a nuts hierarchy (if you don't well, get thinking, it's one of those important questions you regret not taking care of earlier when you're on the death bed), so I would like to share mine.
  1. Cashews - makes it to the top, eeeasy. Little commas of delights. Fish them out of the bowl and chomp on. Crunchy, fragrant, oh so good. 
  2. Pine nuts - mmmmm pine nuts if only you were cheaper
  3. Pecan and walnuts - makes pies. Pie is superior form of dessert.
  4. Almonds
  5. All Other Inferior Nuts
  6. And at the bottom of the nuts totem... the Brazilian nut. It's like that fat obnoxious kid that tries too hard.  Says nasty stuff to look cool and hovers around. Empirical data indicates they tend to float to the top when you shake a box of mixed nuts. Go away Brazilian nut, you are super bland and blah.
P.S. I apologize for the lack of nut-related jokes. 


  1. Totally concur with your list, unless macadamia is in the mix, then it takes the top spot.

  2. Do you consider peanuts as inferior nuts?

    But yes I agree, those Brazilian nuts are utterly useless and take up SO MUCH SPACE!
