Wednesday, January 4, 2012

it's TAIWAN, not Thailand, you ignorant fool.

So several times a year, I get asked where I am from and whether or not I'm Chinese. It used to be that Quebecers would ask me first if I was Vietnamese, due to the large french-speaking Vietnamese population in Quebec and lack of french-speaking-other-asians. But that was excusable. And for the record, I don't mind the question at all.

But when I answer soberly, and clearly enunciate that I come from Taiwan (and trust me, depending on the audience in question, I often slow down and do a TaiWAAAN), and you get back to me and tell me all sorts of boners you have for curry and ladyboys from Thailand... congratulations, you've just earned yourself a big bright star in my book of ignorant fools. In this book, you're just as good as the American that claims his family's going overseas to Canada for a trip in the South.

That’s like me saying "Oh you’re from Sweden? Man, I loved The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo!" When you’re from Switzerland. (The previous claim is usually followed by "Oh it's a book? What's a book?")

"Indonesia? I loved Slumdog Millionnaire!"

"Oh Austria? Gosh I love kangaroos, mate."

"Oh Pakistan. Damn those Jews!"

Wait hold on that one works....

Com'on people. It's geography. It's not that hard. How do these people not end up attacking their allies’ home base at RTS?!

I once had someone telling me how they loved their trip to Thailand and it was enlightening, and they learned a lot about another culture and country. They got edumacatated. Well sir, you apparently have not learned where it is, and that it doesn't have a second name pronounced differently.

Yes, yes it is my pet peeve... and seriously it would be anyone's pet peeve. You don't know where my tiny-ass country is? That's fine, you only have to let me know and I will nicely give you a judgment-free Taiwan 101. But don't go ahead and assume that it's the other country that sounds good-enough-similar. Use the internet, or be humble and honest. That'll impress me more than going "Oh cool what's a good Thai restaurant around here?! I looooove sushi!".


(Don't worry guys this is NOT the annual new year blog, that one's still in the works and far less emotionally driven, LOL)


  1. "Where are you from?
    umm. no"


    Good thing most (or all) the travellers i've met visited more countries than fingers that i have on my hands, so they have amazing knowledge.. except for one guy. Typical pom (british) that said "i went to india" and it was the most white part of india ever. I actually yelled out: "UK DOESN'T COUNT" before he can say where in india

  2. Bwahahahaha I love your examples of other stupid country mix ups. Now I'm soooo lgad I reminded you of a certain ignorant fools comments to drunkmish.

    I should send this blog entry to him. Gold. FYI, he also happens to be really bad at RTS games...not sure if there is a good correlation there. This could be some future gaming nerds psych thesis to prove.

    I look forward to the new years entry although I like emotionally driven rant blogs. They amuse me so.


  3. Haha, thanks for making me chuckle, Mish! I feel like society has improved on being more worldly, but still, you get that fool comment every once in a while. So you're from Taiwan eh? You liiiikkkkeeeeeee??? :P
