Thursday, September 1, 2011

Updates on life

After last wednesday's crazy thunderstorm, things weren't the same anymore. It's like summer officially left... Sure we get some hot weather in the 10-18:00 window but it's definitely gotten and getting narrower. Did I also mention that Fall makes me sentimental? It's like a giant PMS season for me (v i hope you are reading this, you've been warned). But i need all the energy and drive i can harness for this Fall, because, brace thyselves people of the blogsphere, this Fall is gonna be effing bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

First off i have finally done the proverbial gathering of shit, and is on full-fledged flight-mode with respect to getting to the next stage of my career. There is working hard and there is taking abuse, and somewhere between the last post and this one, the line got blurred. I will expect change to happen, well, that is if the market stops looking like a dried pond with couple of dead half-rotten fish. Which, according to an insider and close-friend of Market who asked to remain anonymous, is going to happen in Fall. Yay Fall.

Second big thing, the search for a place big enough for two small egos (albeit owners of tons of random crap), is also on. This should be significant as i will without any doubt, be sad to leave my current sty. But, on the other hand, there will be a new place waiting to be loved, a new sty to break into, and turn page, new chapter blah, blah, blah (shouldn't we update this cliché a little? Like, "click the Enter key onto a new website of life" or something? I digress).

So there you go, my awesome trailer of things to come in Fall 2011. Let's hope it's not another Indiana Jones Crystal Skull. What a disappointment that was, after a big trailer and so much anticipation. I want my life to be frigging Dark Knight! Live up to the hype!


  1. Hahaha, good luck Vince! Enjoy a whole season of PMS.

    Good luck to both of you in your condo search, hope you guys find something decent that isn't half a million dollars.

  2. Haha, great post!! I'm totally going to start using your new cliche. And the Dark Night. All I can say is MMM HM.

  3. @James everything is so expensive! **cries
