It's only been three days since he moved into the hood and his crib looks pretty darn sweet, two storeys with a tube system, a nest, and stuff. He decided to poop where he sleeps and eats, and then kicked out all the fluff with poo on it because well, it's got poo on it now. He also moved his entire nest into his tube-slide overnight. Now the tube has pellet poop everywhere too.
He climbs everywhere and falls everywhere, I guess when you're that fat you don't care. I'm not supposed to handle him for another couple of days till he gets settled, and little bastard seems to know. He tried to eat my finger already (probably because it smelled like butter).
Anyhow, tadaaa, hamster.
it's sooo stupid...but he's like spider-man! he climbs everywhere..hanging from the ceiling, climbing the walls..i wish i had claws/hands like that..