Wednesday, December 26, 2012

as promised, the top 2012 discoveries

Damn, my year end reflections have sucked so much in recent years. I look back into my early 20s and I wrote more interesting stuff back then, even if it's just random ramblings. What happened?!?! Did I get old and boring?!?!?! Haha.

- Steam. Yeah yeah, I'm going to get boo'd by some of you because I've been getting game codes since 2011 and never really appreciated it, I'm an ungrateful bitch, what can I say... mea culpa (ugh, this is the kind of stuff I say now? Latin? I would have disgusted my 20-year-old-self). But this year, I had the pleasure to partake in some multiplayer and it was purrrtty darn fun. Can't say I've ever done that much, what with my technology always a little behind and all. Memorable games - Orcs must die 2, Journey, and yes, even Diablo 3 (there was maybe 10 good hours in there, good enough - and yes I really want to like it).

- New job! Maybe I'm still in my honeymoon phase because it's only been 5 months so far but this is the best one so far.  

- The greatness of not-giving-a-fuck. Growing up as an immigrant kid wasn't a piece of cake, even less as a kid that has always been eager to please others. Y'kinda try to be liked by everyone, y'know. This year I've somehow had a few epiphanies and toned down the need for validation, it's still a work in progress but I feel less need to be liked by people who don't deserve the attention. Result? Better quality of life. No longer having to show up at parties with annoying peoples at annoying places. Seriously. Everyone should try it out. It even expands your vocabulary (see "mea culpa" above). I've been winning at Bananagram because I stayed in and read so much. 

- Reddit. I don't even need to say why.

Basically, in 2012, I tuned in my inner antisocial nerd and now hold a winning streak record at Bananagram during Xmas gatherings. And I don't know why but I'm okay with it. I'm gonna turn 30 soon and as opposed to my turning-20, I feel a helluva lot less depressed. I think the next decade will be just fine, and everything everything will be alright! (alright!).

Huh. Maybe that's why people talk about quarter and mid life crisis but never "third life crisis"? Watch me have a complete melt-down in 10 years though. I'm calling it now. 


  1. haha. cant believe ur on steam! good points... we can all learn a little from ur metamorphosis ...

  2. Hahaha.

    I'm a bit behind you in terms of new job (only been at mine for 3.5 weeks), reddit (only really learned the ways this year), as well as not giving a fuck. I mean I try not to give a fuck, but sometimes fucks are given and I can't control it. Def a work in progress.

    But at least in 1 of the 4 topics you posted about, I am ahead. Steam...welcome to like 83247239847 years ago! haha. The fun world of co-op goodness. I hope you continue to enjoy the wonders that steam has to offer and never forget the fantastic steam sales!! There's one on right now and I haven't checked what todays flash sales are! TO THE STEAM...MOBILE!!! DA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA STE--EAM!
